Project management

By , January 3, 2011 2:37 pm

10 no of staffs have been deployed in the programme. They have been supplied materials like leaflet, booklet, and posters to promote organic farming as well as SRI method of cultivation. The project coordinator of the nodal organization is responsible for coordinating all the activities at programmatic level and also responsible for reporting and documentation with assistance from chief functionary and field motivators. Field motivators are solely responsible for mobilizing the farmers at field level, convening village meetings and providing technical supports to the farmers. Interaction with co-partners is held once in a month and also maintained records properly both at lead organization and co organization level. Joint verification is made time to time with coordination form all chief functionaries of co-partners.








Capacity building initiative for staff and farmers

Staff orientation

16 staffs (m-14,f-2)

Increased efficiency of staffs through theoretical and practical work

18 staffs including other project staff of the organization are capable to face the issues related to field

Some new faces have seen in the programme

Training on SRI and SA

230 farmers(m-195, f-35)

230 farmers including PRI and SHG members have been trained on SRI



Participants understood about SRI and also had idea regarding organic farming



In some places women are not interested to attend the training with male farmers

raining on vermicompost

85 farmers(M-72,F-13)

85 farmers have been trained on vermicompost preparation and how to use it in the fields

Out of 85 farmers 49 farmers have been started preparing vermicompost and using it in their kitchen garden


Vermicompost units have been provided and linkage build with govt. department for vermicompost units

Training to farmers on bio-pesticides

72(M-57, F-15)

72 farmers have been trained on it

Many of them are using pesticides using the available resources




Training on SRI techniques

144(M-63, F-81)






144 farm labors have been taught on SRI technique



More than 70 farmers are acting as labors in fields


The farm labors are demanding more money for transplantation in SRI method

Training to women farmers on SA


58 no women








58 no of women have been imparted training on sustainable agriculture

75% women are practicing organic farming in their home and also help their husbands


Farmers appreciated the method of SRI and organic process farming

Training to trainers



210 key farmers have been trained

The farmers are acting as trainers



3 training programmes have been held till date and rest programmes will organized in between 21 January 10

Soil test







Soil samples have been examined



138 samples of

133 farmers


Soil health card issued to each farmers as per the test

Many farmers are not interested to give soil samples for test

Input support to farmers

Dhanichha distribution and plantation

3kgs of seed per acre and 2.5kgs of Dhanichha for each farmer


Dhanichha and 15 type  of seeds have been distributed among the farmers  

726 farmers has been sowed Dhanichha in their fields and incorporated the same in their fields

Farmers demand more and more Dhanichha 







Weeders have been supplied to farmers in each village in proportion of 10:2

Farmers facilitated






Instead of mechanical weeding farmers are keeping interest in manual weeding








776 farmers






40 kg/acre  vermicompost have been supplied to farmers 


Vermicompost found effective for marginal farmers



 Vermicompost  is not sufficient for all the farmers


Vermicompost unit


21 unit

21 farmers


21 farmers have been received vermicompost units in different villages



Farmers realize to prepare vermicompost for their own sake for that we have planned to establish more units in our operational area


Institutional arrangement

Sub-circle meeting

200 sub-circle meeting and 335 farmers


Including the farmers of last year 50 sub-circles have been formed

More farmers interested to include in sub-circles

Farmers are interested to form a federation

Circle meeting

7 circle meetings







Circle meetings have been conducted half yearly at gram Panchayat level

Farmers federation at GP level


 Block level farmers meet

4 no






Meet including govt. officials, farmers, PRI members

Block level farmers federation of farmers

Line departments cooperate with us and also consented to provide support through NGOs


District level

1 no of programme at nodal agency level












SRI field demonstration

Selection of demonstration fields

50 (26 at Partner level, 24 at co-partner level)

50 plots has been selected for demonstration in 41 villages for wider dissemination of information

2 villages including around 85 acres of land have been selected for SRI village with moral support from our organization and other demo plots are excluded from this 2 villages

54 acres of 53 farmers at Badhiasahi and 31 acres of 35 farmers


Profile of farmers completed

776 farmers

50 villages

Profile of 776 farmers have been completed

Formats developed by SRI secretariat and CWS Bhubaneswar

Formats in Odia and English

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