Case Study

By , January 3, 2011 3:31 pm

Case study -1

Practice makes a person sustained

Name Sanatana Sahoo
Age 45
Village Gamein
Gram Panchayat Kalikaprasad
Dist Nayagarh
Family members male-3, female-4
Livestock’s population cows-7, bullocks-2
Primary occupation farming
Education 3rd class
No of years in farming 30 years

Sanatana Sahoo aged 45, a land less farmer living in village Gamein of Nayagarh district. He lives in own house with wife and son. He is only bread winner of the household and depends upon agriculture. He has cultivated 3 acres of share land.  The main source of income is from agriculture and average annual income is around Rs.25000. since 30 years he is indulged in farming and 2 years cultivating in organic farming. His main crops are paddy, pulses, and vegetable and oil seeds.

In 2004 Bruksha ‘o’ Jeevar Bandhu Parisad (BOJBP) had organized  village sub-circle  meeting ,group level bio farmers meeting  in the village Gamein for organic farming and SA .this method of farming  with support of Centre for World Solidarity, Secunderabad . Mr. Sanatana Sahoo came to know about the said method and interested for it. Our field motivators helped him to gather idea regarding organic farming and Sustainable agriculture.

Keeping his interest in organic Sunflower intensification method, our field motivators guided him to adopt the method in oilseed crops in this year. He was ready to take challenge and agreed to practice in 12 cents of land. He had taken Sunflower (hi-yield) variety from seed bank by exchange way. Some peoples are joke him. But he was not worry. He was following the instructions and using organic manure like vermin compost, magic compost, medicinal magic compost, jibamruta, sufficient cow dong   and few quantity of MOP in his land. He was satisfied with the crops. The yield from his field was around 100 kgs (8.5qntl/acre). He was very happy with the yield because previous year yield was 6 qntls/acre in average from the same patch and same variety in use of chemical fertilizers.

The experience gathered from the year 2004 was new era for Mr. Sahoo and he has been distinguished as an organic farmer by BOJBP. Since 2 years he is practicing the chill, tomato, Brinjal, oilseeds organically in Rabi season and 2years practicing SRI method of cultivation and also in other crops.

Mr. Sahoo says, organic farming and organic manure is a low cost of cultivation. It provided save money and food security and easiest method to poor class family. He suggests avoiding use of chemical fertilizers in the field which harm the soil, everyone should aware about the harmful effects of chemicals. Also aim to popularize the organic farming among others which is a cheaper and sustained method.

He promises to practice organic farming in future. According to him organic farming is an easier task to practice and there is no perfect substitute of it to provide food security.

Comparison Table

Organic method (current year)

Chemical method (previous year)

Hi-yield  seed- exchange from seed bank ( seed 500 gram)

Hi-yield Seed – Rs  80.00  (1 kg )

Direct seeded method-Rs 240.00(2 persons)

Sawing method –Rs 240.00 (2 persons)

Weeding by hand-Rs 120.00(1 person)

Weeding by hand –Rs 240.00(2 persons)

Bio Manure & bio-pesticides- Rs 200.00 (cow dong ,magic compost, bio-pest)

Chemical fertilizers &pesticides – Rs 450.00 (urea, potash, DAP -20 kg &chemical pesticides  )

Harvesting –Rs 120.00 (1 person)

Harvesting – Rs 120.00 (1 person)

Yield –Rs 2000.00 (1 quintal)

Yield – Rs 2000.00 (1 quintal)

Profit-Rs 2000.00-rs 680.00 =Rs 1320.00

Profit- Rs 2000.00-rs 1130.00=Rs 870.00


4-300x2823-300x282Case study -2

Magic of cow dung

Name Prahallad Mahapatra
Age 62
Village Gramein
Gram Panchayat Kalikaprasad
Dist. Nayagarh
Family members male-8, female-4
Livestock’s population Boffalo-2
Primary occupation farming
Education 5th class
No of years in farming 35 years

Prahallad Mahapatra aged 62, a small farmer living in village Gamein of Nayagarh district. He lives in own house with wife, sons and daughter. He is the only bread winner of the household and depends upon agriculture. He has about 3.5 acres of medium and low land.  The main source of income is from agriculture and average annual income is around Rs.30000. since 35 years he is indulged in farming and 3 years cultivating in organic farming. His main crops are paddy, pulses and vegetable.

In 2004 Bruksha ‘o’ Jeevar Bandhu Parisad (BOJBP) had organized  village sub circle  meeting ,group level bio farmers meeting in the village Gamein for organic farming and SA with support from Centre for World Solidarity, Secunderabad . Mr. Prahallad Mahapatra came to know about the said method and interested to practice it. Our field motivators helped him to gather idea regarding organic farming and Sustainable agriculture.

Keeping his interest in organic Onion intensification method, our field motivators guided him to adopt the method in vegetable crops during this year. He was ready to take challenge and agreed to practice in 25 cents of land. He had taken Onion (indigenous) variety for his land. He followed the instructions and used organic manure like vermin compost, magic compost, medicinal magic compost, jibamruta and sufficient cow dong in his land. He was satisfied with the crops. The yield from his field was around 1000 kgs (40qntl/acre). He was very happy with the yield because the yield was 30qntl/acre in average from the same patch and same variety in use of chemical fertilizers.

The experience gathered from the year 2004 was new era for Mr. Mahapatra and he has distinguished as an organic farmer by BOJBP. Since 4 years he is practicing chilly, tomato and Brinjal organically in Rabi season and since 1year he is practicing SRI method of cultivation in other crops.

Mr. Mahapatra says, Cow dung is a major part of organic farming and organic manures are cost effective. It saves money and provides food security and the easiest method for poor class.He is suggesting for avoid chemical fertilizers in the field which harm the soil, everyone should aware about the harmful effects of chemicals. Cow dong plays a magic role in organic farming among others which is a cheaper and sustained method because using cowdong we can prepare any type of manures which can be use in organic practice.

He promises to practice organic farming till his involvement in agriculture. According to him organic farming is not a difficult task to practice in field but it is a better one than the conventional practice.

Comparison Table



Organic method (current year)

Chemical method (previous year)

Indigenous seed- free of cost (own seed 20kg)

Seed – Rs  1000.00  (25 kg)

Directed  seeded method-Rs 750.00(10 women labour )

Directed  seeded method-Rs 750.00(10 women labour )

Weeding  -3 times –Rs 1200.00(10 men labour)

Weeding  -3 times –Rs 1440.00(12 men labour

Bio Manure & bio-pesticides- Rs 600.00 (cow dong ,magic compost, bio-pest)

Chemical fertilizers &pesticides – Rs 1000.00 (urea, potash, DAP -20 kg &chemical pesticides  )

Harvesting –Rs 480.00 (4 person)

Harvesting – Rs 480.00 (4 person)

Yield –Rs 12000.00 (12 quintal)

Yield – Rs 10000.00 (10 quintal)

Profit-Rs 12000.00-rs 3030.00 =Rs 8970.00

Profit- Rs 10000.00-rs 4670.00=Rs 5330.00


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