BOJBP,Kesharpur,Dist-Nayagarh,Odisha is a people’s voluntary organization founded 1st January 1978 and registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and it has also been registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976 and Registered Under Income Tax -80G. It has been working in Nayagarh District for Forest Protection, Wild Life Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture.2.5 laks Acres of Forest has been protected in 750 villages through community Forest Management System. Eight women Bio-Farmers groups organized besides health and sanitation activities like supply of low cost sanitation latrines, holding of eye camp, Dental camp and leprosy camp and promote System of Rice Intensification, 644 acres in 56 villages in 5Blocks of Nayagarh District. It established Seed Bank, Seedling Bank and Research and Information centre on Sustainable Agriculture.